The Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society is a highly regarded peer-review journal specializing in the history of the Church in Canada, which is published annually.

The Journal publishes articles relating to the history of the Anglican Church of Canada, and more generally on the history of the wider Christian experience in Canada.

It also publishes book reviews of scholarly works on the Christian experience pertaining to Canada.

Call for Articles

Current calls for articles:

We are particularly interested in articles relating to the history of the Anglican Church of Canada, and more generally interested in the history of the wider Christian experience in Canada.  The Journal editor especially seeks articles on:

  • Influential figures in Canadian church history
  • History and development of church architecture, hymnody, and liturgy
  • Colonial and post-colonial experience
  • Role of Indigenous and Inuit peoples in the history of the church
  • The history of ecumenism in Canada

The editor also welcomes suggestions for future special issues.

Papers and books reviewed which are not explicitly on Canada will be considered but should have some pertinence to the Canadian experience. We exercise wider latitude with books as we are interested in drawing the attention of scholars to books that might provide models or insights.

Manuscripts for potential articles should be about 7500 words, double spaced, in triplicate (two copies without the author’s name, for blind review). Manuscripts may also be received electronically at the email address below.  Style: Chicago Manual of Style. 

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor, Dr. Thomas Power at:  [email protected]

Millman Prize Essay Contest

A prize of $500.00 is offered for the best essay in English or French in Canadian church history by a graduate student enrolled at a Canadian university.  The funding for this award is made possible by the Thomas R. Millman Endowment Fund.

Contacting the Editor

Inquiries regarding requirements for submissions can be directed to Dr. Thomas Power at [email protected]