The following are additional resources on leading volunteers in churches:

Volunteer Leadership Series, Group Publishing, Loveland, Colorado.
Marlene Wilson, General Editor
This is a series of six small and excellent books on these topics: Creating a Volunteer-Friendly Church Culture; How to Energize Volunteer Ministry; Volunteer Recruitment, Interviewing and Placement; Volunteer Orientation and Training; Volunteer Encouragement, Evaluation and Accountability, all by leaders in the field of volunteer administration. The writing is lively and accessible; the knowledge is based on long years of experience; and there’s a bonus…all the documents can be scanned for parish use with no concern around copyright! This is the wisest investment you can make to supplement the webinars/podcasts on Engaging Volunteers from the Anglican Church of Canada.

ParishWorks: Tips and Templates to Revitalize Your Church
Ward McCance
This is a solid Canadian how-to book of helpful administrative tools and templates for parish churches. It includes a sample job description for a Volunteer Coordinator.

Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement
A resource from Volunteer Canada that highlights what is expected in terms of working with volunteers now.  Other resources that can be very useful are found at, the website for Volunteer Canada. Since churches and church organizations are considered voluntary agencies, we need to at least meet these standards if not exceed them!