Supporting the Bishop Ordinary Trust

The Anglican Bishop Ordinary visits chaplains and troops in garrison, in their homes, and in the field—a visible reminder of chaplains’ Anglican identity and the ties they have with the larger Anglican Communion. As chief presider and guarantor of ministry and sacrament, it is the Bishop Ordinary who is the symbol of unity for Anglican clergy and laity serving in the Canadian Armed Forces and their families.

Of the 29 Anglican dioceses in Canada, the Anglican Military Ordinariate (AMO) is the ninth largest grouping of clergy and laity in the country. Given the size of the AMO, the requirement for a Bishop Ordinary totally dedicated to providing episcopal ministry and oversight is critical.  The Bishop Ordinary is a civilian bishop who provides pastoral and liturgical oversight to military members.  The position is not funded by the Canadian Armed Forces and is supported by donations from Anglican clergy and laity serving in the Armed Forces and by the Bishop Ordinary Trust, an endowment administered by the General Synod.

Honouring the Past

The Anglican Military Ordinariate of Canada reflects faithfully the role of the Royal Canadian Chaplain Service by reflecting on our story, history and traditions that mark in a decisive fashion the presence and role of the Anglican Communion (its clergy and people) in the life and mission of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Chaplains are committed to remembering the sacrifices of the past through participation in commemoration events around the world and the support of Legions and veterans.

The Ordinariate has been blessed by Bishops from across the country who have served with pastoral zeal and dedication. Honouring their example, and the examples of hundreds of Anglican chaplains over the years, the Ordinariate supports the training of Anglican candidates for ministry through the Ivor Norris bursary.

Sustaining the Present

We sustain the present by the active ministry in Word and Sacrament of our Anglican chaplains and the critical role of our laity in the mission of the Church.

As an integral part of our mandate that we share with all military chaplains we minister to our own in providing the sacramental, liturgical and pastoral care to which Anglican military members and their families have a right; we facilitate the worship of others in seeing to it that people of all faiths have access to the spiritual resources they require; and we care for all in meeting the needs of all who come to us for assistance, regardless of where they may be on their spiritual journey.

Investing in the Future

JohnWilcoxWe are committed to investing in the future by examining how we, as a family composed of Bishop, clergy, and laity must evolve in our ministry of service to Canadian Armed Forces personnel and their families. The Bishop Ordinary hosts an annual spiritual retreat for Anglican chaplains and works to institute programs of Anglican initiation throughout the Canadian Armed Forces.

To make a Lasting Contribution Please Contact:

The Anglican Military Ordinariate/Bishop Ordinary Trust
80 Hayden Street
Toronto ON  M4Y 3G2

Treasurer of the Anglican Military Ordinariate
via email

Anglican Foundation of CanadaOr print the Bishop Ordinary Trust Contribution Form and mail it to the address above.


Or contribute online through Canada Helps.Canada Helps Logo