Because the Dialogue had encountered a remarkable degree of growth in understanding and wanted to be accountable to the churches and include them in this process, it prepared a study guide and process for our churches, and requested feedback from them. Among the aims of the study guide were:

  • To share with the churches what the Dialogue discovered about one another and the possibilities for future developments in our relationship;
  • To seek response from the churches to these discoveries and possibilities;
  • To raise awareness of the complicity of both our churches in a colonialist relationship with Indigenous peoples;
  • To enable neighbouring Anglican and United Church congregations to explore their mutual understandings and differences, and possibilities for common mission.

A list of a variety of places to send the study guide was established and each member was assigned congregations to contact, asking for their participation in the project. In addition, a letter was sent from the co-chairs to Anglican and United Church congregations, inviting them to participate in the study.

There were 10 pairs of churches across Canada that agreed to pursue the project actively. The Dialogue sent letters to these churches that responded, thanking them and asking for their responses at the completion of their time together. Unfortunately, the follow through has not been what was hoped. At this point in time only one group has finished the process