This committee’s role is to help Canadian Anglicans live out their Christian faith thoughtfully, prayerfully and with commitment through liturgical development and theological education, to foster inter-church and interfaith dialogues, to promote theological reflection and to provide resources on issues of doctrine, ethics, ecumenism, evangelism and mission.

Mandate / Terms of reference

The Committee shall:

  1. Articulate standards and develop resources for worship and liturgy.
  2. Foster and facilitate collaboration between Canadian theological colleges, and with the national church.
  3. Develop policy for, monitor, and engage in inter-church dialogues.
  4. Develop policy for, monitor, and engage in inter-faith dialogues.
  5. Promote theological reflection, and provide resources and education on issues of doctrine, ethics, ministry, ecumenism, leadership, evangelism and mission.
  6. Monitor work of the Anglican Communion in the areas of liturgy, doctrine, authority and identity.
  7. Monitor work of the World Council of Churches and the Canadian Council of Churches in areas of faith and order, ethics, theological education, and inter-faith relations.
  8. Convene gatherings and develop networks related to the work of the Committee.
  9. Work alongside the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples around aboriginal spirituality.
  10. Work with the House of Bishops to define doctrine where necessary.
  11. Use the Lund principle to work ecumenically wherever possible.
  12. Report to the Council of General Synod.
  13. Encourage theological reflection on stewardship and on the committee’s mandate.
  14. Within the Committee’s mandate, do functional strategic planning and visioning.
  15. Maintain liaison with the House of Bishops.
  16. When deemed appropriate, invite partners (international, ecumenical, or internal) to join the committee.

Membership 2023-2025

The Rt. Rev. Susan Bell (CoGS Rep)
The Rev. Benjamin H. Gillard
Mr. Dion C. Lewis
The Rev. Stephanie London (Chair)
The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls (Ex-Officio)
The Ven. Alan T. Perry (Ex-Officio)
The Rev. Marnie Peterson
The Ven. Tanya Phibbs (Ex-Officio)
