
By Rosemary Lain-Priestley

Let us pray … as women and men of faith we hold our joys and our longings before God.

We give thanks for the women of the scriptures: For Sarah, who dared to laugh at God’s plans and then to take a part in them; for Ruth, who in the absence of a future trusted her intuition and a person she loved; for the woman who bled profusely, and had the courage to ask a stranger to heal her; for Mary of Magdala, cured of her sickness who became the first apostle of the resurrection.

God of grace … We thank you.

We give thanks for Li Tim-Oi: Who trod with female feet on male ground and worked in partnership with men who received her as a gift. Who challenged what was acceptable with the force of her being yet pointed towards God, and not to herself.

God of grace … We thank you.

We give thanks for the work of ordained women: In all denominations where that offering is embraced, in all communities where that touch is received, in all circumstances where that ministry brings hope, and in all places where women offer a new way of being.

God of grace … We thank you.

And we give thanks for the work of the Li Tim-Oi Foundation: For what it offers and is open to receive; for what it teaches and is willing to learn; for the doors it unlocks for others and the thresholds it beckons across.

God of grace … We thank you.

We pray for a fuller ministry for women: In the episcopal ministry of the Church of England, in denominations where priesthood is not open to them, in places where transformation is silently resisted and where women are fearful of women, and prevent one another’s full flourishing.

God of the future … Draw us onwards.

We pray for an inclusive Church: Where inclusion does not bury disagreement but engages the most challenging voices. Where inclusion does not dis-empower the Gospel But releases the sword of truth.

God of the future … Draw us onwards.

We pray that women will continue to be agents of change: In our communities and in the structures of the Church, through our questioning and our answers, by our strength, our risk-taking, our vulnerability, our tenacity, and our ability to be different and equal.

God of the future … Draw us onwards.

We pray for women who protest: Those who keep alive the memory of ‘the disappeared’, Those who are the victims of domestic torture, Those who are the casualties of war or engaged in armed combat, And those whose silent screams are known only to God.

God of the future … Draw us onwards.

Together, as women, as men: We give thanks for the richness of the shared gifts of yesterday, we rejoice in today’s celebration, and we pray in the determination that tomorrow will hold greater understanding. Amen.

Prayers of the People

The Rev Matthias Der
Rev Canon Alice Medcof

Response sung: In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful; In the Lord I will rejoice! Look to God, do not be afraid.  Lift up your voices, the Lord is near; lift up your voices the Lord is near.

For the Church of the living God throughout the world, let us ask the riches of his grace. Response

For all who proclaim the word of truth, let us ask the infinite wisdom of Christ. Response

For all who have consecrated their lives to the kingdom of God, and for all struggling to follow the way of Christ, let us ask the gifts of the Spirit. Response

For Elizabeth our Queen, for the Prime Minister of this country, and for all who govern the nations, that they may strive for justice and peace, let us ask the strength of God. Response

For scholars and research-workers, especially the staff and supporters of Renison College, that their studies may benefit humanity, let us ask the light of the Lord.

Response: In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful; In the Lord I will rejoice! Look to God, do not be afraid.  Lift up your voices, the Lord is near; lift up your voices the Lord is near.

For all who have passed from this life in faith and obedience, remembering Archbishop Florence Li Tim-Oi… , let us ask the peace of Christ. Response

We give thanks
for the life of Florence Li Tim-Oi,
for the church,
for the world,
for those who are sick,
and those who have died.
In response to Holy God, in your mercy,
We say Hear us as we pray.

Prayer Reader 1

We give thanks for the Church which calls us to gather, to pray and to discern God’s will.

We give thanks for Li Tim-Oi and Bishop Ronald Hall, whose faithfulness and courage impelled the Church into accepting the ministry of women in radically new ways.

May we, too, always be open to new possibilities of service to Jesus Christ holding before us an ethic of inclusion.   May we be agents of reconciliation wherever God leads us.

Holy God, in your mercy,

Prayer Reader 2

We pray for the world that God has made, with its variety of races, cultures and faiths, that all people will uphold justice, peace and the integrity of creation.

Grant wisdom to those charged with the task of directing international affairs so that compassion will overcome hate, and compromise lead to an equitable distribution of the world’s resources.

We pray for all who call Canada home: First Nations peoples, and those who have come from all corners of the earth, that our diverse gifts will enrich and enliven the Canadian way of life.

Holy God, in your mercy,

Prayer Reader 3

Dearest God, when illness strikes, we turn to you for comfort.  We remember those who are facing health challenges,_________________.  May they know the healing presence of Jesus Christ.

Guide doctors and nurses and research staff as they work to relieve suffering: the scourge of cancer, the pandemic of HIV/AIDS, the hopelessness of mental illness.  As Jesus touched the lepers, and Tim-Oi worked in a leprosarium, may we, too, ensure that no one is denied treatment.

Holy God, in your mercy,

Prayer Reader 4

We are grateful for our families, and for special people who love and support us, whose friendship is priceless.

May God bless them this day, grant them good health and the grace to meet the challenges of each day.

We pray for all who have died and now rest in your eternal glory,

Florence Li Tim-Oi, ______________

May we with them, the Holy Family, and all the saints, find our place in your eternal kingdom.

To you, O God, we lift our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and always.


To you, O God, we lift our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and always.


60th anniversary PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE


Holy One of Blessings, we give thanks today for the life and ministry of Florence Li Tim-Oi as we celebrate the 60th anniversary of her ordination as priest. We also give thanks for Bishop Ronald Hall whose faithfulness and courage in ordaining her impelled the Church to accept  the ministry of women in radically new ways.  May we, too, always be open to new possibilities of service to Jesus Christ, followin an ethic of inclusion and reconciliation wherever you call us to serve.

ALL:  Holy One of Blessing, we lift our prayers to you.


Spirit of Life, we pray for the Church Universal, for the Anglican Communion around the world, for the Anglican Church of Canada and for the Diocese of Toronto.  May our bishops hear your voice in our time and exercise their prophetic role to lead the church in new directions that will serve the people of the 21st century.

ALL :  Holy One of Blessings, we lift our prayers to you.


God of Compassion, we pray for the world that you have made with its variety of races, cultures, and faiths.  May all people uphold the principles of respect, justice, peace, and the integrity of all creation. Grant wisdom to those charged with the task of directing international affairs so that compassion will overcome hate, and compromise will lead to an equitable distribution of the world’s resources.

All:    Holy One of Blessing, we lift our prayers to you.


God of Peace, we pray for the areas of the world troubled by political unrest, war, and civilian turmoil.  We pray particularly for the people of  Afganistan, Iraq, Spain and the Middle East, who have died, and whose lives and country have been devastated by military intervention , suicide bombers and civilian violence.  May they be given courage and resources to rebuild their lives in ways that will bring a lasting peace within their borders.

ALL:   Holy One of Blessing, we lift our prayers to you.


We pray for all who call Canada home.  We remember First Nations peoples as they work towards healing from the negative aspects of residential schools cultural genocide. We pray for greater understanding, respect and friendship between Christians, Jews, Muslims and other peoples of faith, and between peoples of all races and national origins particularly in the city of Toronto.  May our diverse gifts enrich and enliven the Canadian way of life.

All:  Holy One of Blessing, we lift our prayers to you.


God of All Healing, we pray for those who are sick in body, mind, and spirit, and for their families, friends, and all those who care for them. As we lift them into the  light of your love may they know the comfort and healing presence of Jesus Christ.

All:   Holy One of Blessing, we lift our prayers to you.


We remember those who have died this past year, especially Betty Graham who was present with us at this service last year.  May she and other love ones known to us rejoice in the eternal radiance of your presence.

All:  Holy One of Blessing, we lift our prayers to you.


We remember  women throughout the ages who have heard your call and answered “yes: We remember Sarah, who with Abraham, left her homeland and put her faith in a covenant with you.  We remember Mary Magdelene and the other women who followed Jesus, and were not believed when they announced the resurrection.  We remember and Phoebe, Pricilla and other women leaders in the early church. We remember  abesses in the Middle Ages and grandmothers in Eastern Europe who kept faith alive  during difficult times. They faithfully used the power and gifts you gave them to change the world.  May we be inspired by their examples of courage and humility to help us discover within ourselves your love and power – and the ways to use it to bring about your Kindom of Justice and Peace.

All:  Within each of us lives the life of Christ . Our bodies can touch with love; our hearts can heal; our minds can seek out faith and truth and justice.  Spirit of life, be with us in our quest.

Holy One of Blessings, we lift our prayers to you.  Amen.


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