ACIP logoThe logo for the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples was designed by The Rev. Mervin Wolfleg of the Siksika Nation in southern Alberta, inspired by words and images of The Rev. Arthur Anderson, a Plains Cree from Punnichy, Saskatchewan. Mervin explains its many symbolisms.

The fish at the centre of the logo is formed by the overlap of two circles—or two traditions—coming together, the Aboriginal tradition and the European tradition.

The point where they come together is where Christ is to be found, represented by both the cross and the fish (which also contains the form of the Greek letters, Alpha and Omega).

The cross is surrounded by the four colours of the four peoples of the world. Our vision is of all races coming together.

The fish and the cross also contain within them the initials of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples.

The eagle has always been a strong image for Aboriginal peoples. The eagle feather attached to the cross comes from Isaiah 40:31 — “But those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles.” If people can come together, they will fly.

The green in the logo represents our Mother Earth, and the blue the waters of the oceans that surround the continents.

Blue is also the colour of hope for Aboriginal people. When we are watching for good weather to come, we look for the first signs of blue in the sky.

Green is also the symbol of new growth.

Red is the colour of the Aboriginal peoples.