Jerusalem in the evening light

Five gospels record the life of Jesus. Four you will find in books and one you will find in the land they call Holy. Read the fifth gospel and the world of the four will open to you. (commonly attributed to St. Jerome)

As of July 2024, in light of current hostilities between Israel and Hamas, escalation within the West Bank, and threat of further war, the filming and production of The Fifth Gospel online video series has paused. With most of the film locations in the north and vulnerable to sudden evacuation, missile attacks, etc. pausing is the prudent option, with minimal impact of program costs.

In terms of the future,

  • Wisdom is to wait for an end to the hostilities before rebooking production dates.
  • There is a possibility of adding a small production of “Fifth Gospel” built around desert spirituality.

It’s no surprise, with global inflation, that costs for filming this series have increased over the past two years since the initial budget was drawn up and the funding-raising was done in the autumn of 2022. Your support has been greatly appreciated. Donations can be made directly online, and/or through the General Synod Donation link below.

We pray for all in the Land of the Holy One, and for the Land itself in this very challenging time.  May peace prevail !
