Today members heard about plans to establish formal structures for national Indigenous Anglican governance in national church law, Canon 22. The changes would include the process for electing the National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, the membership of the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples and the membership of Sacred Circle.

Members heard presentations from members of the national Governance Working Group. Memory keepers noted that the historical overview by Bishop Sue Moxley of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, was very helpful.

The topic of national governance inspired many comments from the floor of Sacred Circle. Some were eager to move forward and have these Indigenous bodies established in the national church’s laws. Other members were concerned about moving too quickly. They said there was not adequate communication or consultation around this subject.

The memory keepers, both former members of ACIP, said they know how hard it is for leaders to shape this kind of document. Being on ACIP requires commitment and sacrifice.

“Canon 22 is a very important and visionary document in front of us,” said one memory keeper. “ We need it in our churches, our government bodies, our National Indigenous Anglican Bishop, our youth—we all need it.”

Sacred Circle members will return to these questions later in the week.