What do the initials / acronym ARCIC or CoGS stand for? Churches, like other communities and organizations, tend to use many acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations. These written shortcuts can make it difficult to easily read a document or participate in a discussion. They may also be perceived as unwelcoming or insensitive to individuals who are “not in the know”. Acronyms are popular because they save time (reading and writing) and will never be absent from our communications but in the interest of making sense of the church’s “alphabet soup” we list here some of the commonest abbreviations, acronyms and initialisms to be found in Anglican Church documents and discussions.

If you come across an abbreviation or acronym NOT on this list please send an e-mail [email protected] and we will reply directly and add it to this list.


ABC Anglican Book Centre OR Archbishop of Canterbury
ACC Anglican Church of Canada OR Anglican Consultative Council
ACIP Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples
ACNS Anglican Communion News Service
ACO Anglican Communion Office
ACP Associated Church Press
ACR Anglican Centre in Rome
AF Anglican Foundation
AJ Anglican Journal
ALIC Anglican Lutheran International Commission
ANIC Anglican Network in Canada
ANS Anglican News Service (Anglican Church of Canada Press Release)
ARCIC Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission


BAS Book of Alternative Services
BCP Book of Common Prayer
BSSU Blessing of Same Sex Unions


CA Church Army
CCC Canadian Council of Churches
CCCB Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
CCP Canadian Church Press
CEP Continuing Education Plan
CIRC Communications and Information Resources Committee
CMS Church Mission Society (formerly Church Missionary Society)
CofE Church of England
CoGS Council of General Synod
CSC Community of the Sisters of the Church


ECUSA Episcopal Church of the USA (also known as TEC or The Episcopal Church)
ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCIC Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
ENI Ecumenical News International
ENS Episcopal News Service


FWM Faith, Worship and Ministry


GS General Secretary OR General Synod


HB House of Bishops


IARCCUM International Anglican – Roman Catholic Commission on Unity and Mission
IASCER Inter Anglican Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations
IATDC Inter Anglican Theological and Doctrinal Commission
ICAOTD International Commission for Anglican – Orthodox Theological Dialogue
IRSRC Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada


LWI Lutheran World International


MISAG Mission Issues and Strategy Advisory Group
MRI Mutual Responsibility and Interdependence
MSCC Missionary Society of the Church in Canada


NCC National Council of Churches (also known as National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA)
NEC National Executive Council (predecessor to Council of General Synod (CoGS)
NIAB National Indigenous Anglican Bishop


OHC Order of the Holy Cross


PBS Prayer Book Society
PBSC Prayer Book Society of Canada
PWRDF Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund


SSJD Sisterhood of St. John the Divine


TEC The Episcopal Church (or Episcopal Church USA, ECUSA)


UCC United Church of Canada


VIM Volunteers in Mission


WACC World Association for Christian Communication
WCC World Council of Churches